Sylvester Stallone -

Aktor, Wentworth Miller Reanimacja, Ratownicy, Pla¿a Manchester United, Pi³ka no¿na, David Beckham jasne w³osy, Ewan McGregor, sweterek Real Madryt, Pi³ka no¿na, Raul Hugh Jackman, czarna marynarka Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev, The Vampire Diaries, Pamiêtniki wampirów, Paul Wesley kwiatek, Gerard Butler, bia³a koszula Rycerze, Obraz, Wiktor Wasniecow

Sylvester Stallone

Film, Rambo 3, Sylvester Stallone, AktorSylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, Wesley Snipes, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Film, Niezniszczalni 3, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, The Expendables 3, Randy CoutureNiezniszczalni 3, Aktor, Sylwester StalloneFilm, Rambo, Sylvester Stallone, Aktorring, boks, Sylvester Stallone, Rocky BalboaSylvester Stallone, bluza, zima, Rocky Balboa, treningSylvester StalloneRocky Balboa, kapelusz, noc, Sylvester Stalloneszlafrok, Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone
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